Circular Economy



EF Polymer株式会社

We want to help millions of farmers who are facing the water shortage. We want to provide a sustainable solution through EF Polymer so farmers can grow their crop with 40% less water, 20 % less fertilizer and improve yield. We want to bring happiness in the farmers’ life so they do not struggle and due to water shortage.

EF Polymer株式会社
代表取締役 CEO

EF Polymer株式会社
― 創業のきっかけを教えてください。
I was born in a small village where around 300 people live. My father is a farmer. He grows corn. In a summer my father lost the crop due to water shortage. My father suggested me to help him and identify some solutions. Then I started work on this and developed the EF polymer from the Bio-waste.
― 御社のサービスや技術の独自性や優位性はどこですか?
We are an agritech startup that produces 100% Organic and biodegradable polymer made from bio-waste. We are one of the world's first to mass manufacture 100% organic polymers, where existing solutions are made from chemical such as acid and acrylamide.
― 御社のチームの強みを教えてください。
We have a strong team from various backgrounds. Our members are all passionate about what they are doing and bring young energy to tackle challenges. Everyone has great experience and knowledge which is helpful to bring this solution to the global level.

― どういうチームづくりを心がけていますか?
We are looking for a team member who wants to align with our vision. A person who has strong passion and good dedication towards problem solving.
― 御社で大切にしている価値観を教えてください。
Respecting each other, Mental, physical and spiritual health is very important. So we work in an organization on these three things. Achieve the goal with the strong team building approach, Proper communications.
― 10年後、関連マーケットはどうなっていると思いますか?
We will expand our business in the USA, Japan, India, Thailand, and France. We want to reach 10 million farmers and impact the farmers' lives.
EF Polymer株式会社
EF Polymer株式会社
代表取締役 CEO ナラヤン・ラル・ガルジャール


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イノベーションを通じて社会に新たな価値を提供する企業の増加が、 今後の日本経済を下支えし、発展させるための重要な要素になると考えられます。成長性、革新性、社会性等の観点からスタートアップ企業を奨励し、その知名度の向上に寄与することで、よりよい社会の構築につなげることを目指しています。